可怜的东西 Poor Things(2023)中文字幕下载
更新日期: 2024年02月29日 下载次数: 745 SRT ASS 可怜的东西 Poor Things(2023)中文字幕下载预览
可,巴Ba.,巴巴Ba! Ba!,巴巴巴Ba,- 拜 - 巴巴- Bye. - Ba,一堆器官- Bye. - Ba,也没有来自心脏的血液or the pump of blood from a heart.,只是屠夫的一盘周日午餐Just a butcher's tray for a Sunday lunch.,好Just a butcher's tray for a Sunday lunch.,谁能区分人与禽兽And who can tell human from animal,假如其中有差别的话?if there is a difference?,快点Come,你们小时候玩过拼图吧?You did puzzles as children,是我的问题Is it just me,还是怪物讲话时很难专心?or is it devilishly hard to concentrate when the monster's talking?,他是非常杰出的外科医师He is an extraordinary surgeon.,他的研究开创新局He is an extraordinary surgeon.,有人在跟你说话吗He is an extraordinary surgeon.,不是坐在我们后面就能插嘴Your physical proximity to us does not make it so.,滚开Your physical proximity to us does not make it so.,你真的认为肝脏在那边吗?You really think that's where the liver goes,老师You really think that's where the liver goes,因为我喜欢My amusement.,迈斯麦坎多先生Mr. Max McCandles!,下课后来找我Walk with me at the end of the lesson.,你的报告Your paper.,您喜欢吗?You liked it,它显示一个凡人努力往平庸迈进It showed signs of a conventional mind straining hard to almost touch mediocrity.,- 谢谢 - 我需要一个研究助理- Thank you. - I need someone. An assistant on a project.,我很乐意I would love to.,- 你信教吗? - 我信上帝- Are you a religious man? - I believe in God.,- 我还是那个神? - 真幽默- Are you a religious man? - I believe in God.,这是我自己讲的笑话It is a joke of my own making.,不必解释给我听I do not need it explicated for me.,魔鬼的研究The very devil's work.,您考虑过留胡须吗The very devil's work.,我会像戴着领巾的大狗I look like a big dog in a cravat.,小孩子喜欢狗Kids like dogs.,您说的工作This job.,对This job.,上帝! 上帝God! God.,上帝God.,- 你好 - 你好- Hello. - Hello.,贝拉- Hello. - Hello.,你好- Hello. - Hello.,- 些 - 血- Bud. - Blood.,- 些 - 血- Bud. - Blood.,- 血 - 好棒- Blood. - Marvelous.,我没事I'm fine. I'm fine.,好漂亮的弱智儿What a very pretty retard.,她脑部受过伤She suffered a brain injury.,我帮她治疗I repaired it.,她的心智和身体不太协调Her mental age and her body are not quite synchronized.,语言能力加强中Her mental age and her body are not quite synchronized.,她美极了She is stunning.,我必须细心记录她的进展I need to meticulously note her progression.,你愿意帮我吗?You will do this for me?,那是我的荣幸It would be my honor.,鸟鸟!Wee!,鸟鸟!Wee!,对Wee!,“鸟鸟”Wee!,普林太太Mrs. Prim!,尿尿Wee.,不喜欢吃腌鱼吗?Do you not like kippers?,其实我挺喜欢的I am quite partial to them,我觉得早上吃很好…I find them to be nice in the morning...,贝拉也来切?Bella cut,只有死的才给贝拉Just dead ones for Bella.,只有死的Just dead.,只有死的Just dead.,只有死的Just dead.,戳…Squish! Squish,恰格Chog!,恰格Chog!,跑!Run!,恰格Chog.,她一天学15个字She gathers 15 words a day.,她的协调性还不稳定Her coordination is unstable at best.,晚上有进步In the evenings,她的头发每两天长一吋Her hair grows one inch every two days.,- 这里有头发生长表 - 好极了- I have a hair diagram here. - Excellent.,你可以走了- I have a hair diagram here. - Excellent.,老师- I have a hair diagram here. - Excellent.,我想你的工作是搜集资料I believe your job is collecting data.,如果需要问蠢问题I believe your job is collecting data.,“因此I believe your job is collecting data.,她和她的爸爸妈妈重逢"she was reunited with her Mummy and Daddy.,那天晚餐"she was reunited with her Mummy and Daddy.,他们好开心又聚在一起”"They were so happy to be back together.",你是我爸爸吗"They were so happy to be back together.",- 我… - 普林说你不是- I... - Prim say you not be.,贝拉是捡来的Bella nowhere girl.,哪里? 哪里捡的?Where that be? Nowhere?,你是孤儿You are an orphan.,你爸妈死了Your parents died.,你切开爸妈Your parents died.,没有No.。
他们是我的朋友They were my friends.,他们是勇敢的探险家They were brave explorers...,因为山崩死在南美洲and they were killed in a landslide in South America.,他们大胆挑战极限They pushed the boundaries of what was known...,付出了代价and they paid the price.,人生那样才有意义and they paid the price.,他们送你来给我照顾They sent you to me to care for you.,死了?Dead?,是的Dead?,贝拉可怜Poor Bella.,可是爱上帝But love God.,在这里睡Sleep here.,不行No.,晚安No.,这里No.,秘鲁No.,为何每颗坚果写在本子上?Why you pen book every nut?,我必须记下你吸收的营养I must note down your nutritional intake.,几颗?How many?,告诉贝拉其他地方Tell Bella other places.,那是葡萄牙的里斯本That's Lisbon,法国南部That's Lisbon,澳洲Australia.,遥远而危险Australia.,贝拉想看世界Bella want look at world.,你…Just...,贝拉Bella.,贝拉Bella.,我们…Let's just...,贝拉Bella.,贝拉Bella.,不行No.,贝拉No.,贝拉Bella.,不要Bella.,上帝God.,必须出去Outside must go.,出去? 不行Outside must go.,想切手指吗?Cut fingers?,坎多带我去Cut fingers?,当然可以Cut fingers?,不行No.,可以No.,她出去过吗?Has she ever been outside?,没有No.,我为贝拉创造一个好玩又安全的世界I have created a perfectly entertaining and safe world for Bella.,快点Now.,- 贝拉 - 快点- Bella. - Now!,快点Now!,贝拉Bella.,外面有好多东西会害死你Bella.,害死?Kill dead?,蛇、马车、尖嘴鸟、地震…Snakes,吸入有毒的杂草种子inhalation of toxic grass seeds.,贝拉Bella.,贝拉Bella.,贝拉Bella.,- 杀了它 - 什么?- Kill it. - What?,你拇指怎么怪怪的- Kill it. - What?,我很小的时候Once when I was very small...,我父亲把我的拇指包在小铁盒里my father pinned my thumbs into a small iron case...,看能否减缓骨头的生长周期to see whether he could retard the growth cycle of bones.,那实在太痛了Now,为了不让自己哭出来to stop myself from weeping...,我会死盯着其他的手指头I would stare deeply into my other fingers...,只透过观察and simply by observation...,开始分析流行病学原理begin to parse out the epidemiological elements.,等他回来时When he came back...,竟然发现我在微笑to his surprise,我的老天Good God.,他的思想不拘泥于传统He was a man of unconventional mind.,该走了Time to go.,暴风雨快来了A storm approaches.,为何要这样吓她?Why must you scare her so?,她是实验品She's an experiment...,我必须控制条件and I must control the conditions...,否则结果就不正确or our results will not be pure.,停! 我们去Stop! God,不行Stop! God,贝拉要走去冰淇淋Bella want walk in ice cream.,不行No.,贝拉要Bella wants!,我的脸Bella wants!,嘲笑上帝Laugh at God.,上帝好看God lovely.,我喜欢狗脸Like dog face.,是啊Quite.,- 停! 我们走 - 不行- Stop! Me walk. - No!,现在不行? 永远不行?No now? No never?,就是不行Just no.,- 贝拉 - 不!- Bella! - No!,- 不… - 贝拉- No! No! No! - Bella!,不!No!,- 抱歉… - 不!- Sorry. Sorry. - No!,不! 不!No! No!,对不起No! No!,我的老天啊Mother of God.,功能尚待发掘Mother of God.,你把她怎么了?What did you do to her?,为何把她藏起来?Why are you hiding her?,告诉我原因Why are you hiding her?,我说Why are you hiding her?......