傲气盖天 Michael Collins(1996)中英字幕下载-纯4K

傲气盖天 Michael Collins(1996)中英字幕下载

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电影:傲气盖天 (Michael Collins)




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傲气盖天 Michael Collins(1996)中英字幕下载预览

 英国曾出一万英镑买他人头You've got to think of him the way he was.,但他仍不在乎地The way he'd cycle around Dublin in his pin-striped suit,,在街上走动with £10,000 on his head.,他对人向来热情洋溢"Why hide, Joe," he'd say, "when that's what they expect?",但他从不按牌理行事But he never did what anyone expected.,他领导我们脱离英国统治He got the British out of here, and no one expected that.,有些英雄的出现是时势所趋Some people are what the times demand,,人民失去强人便无以为继and life without them seems impossible.,现在他去世了But he's dead.,但独立运动仍持续传承And life is possible.,是他让我们重拾独立尊严He made it possible.,片名:傲气盖天,(INDISTINCT SHOUTING),(CANNON FIRING),(GUNS FIRING),射击Fire!,Fire!,(REPEATING ORDER),停止射击!MAN: Cease firing!,Cease firing!,停止射击!Cease firing!,往前走Move forward!,再往前Come forward!,都柏林,一九一六年复活节,把手举起来Keep your hands in the air, and your weapons visible at all times.,把手举起来Keep your hands in the air, and your weapons visible at all times.,手上的武器举高把手举起来,手上的武器举高,排成三列,走到广场Form up in three columns across the square.,排成三列,走到广场Form up in three columns across the square.,把武器放在地上Now, ground your arms and take three paces back slowly.,后退三步,慢慢来把武器放在地上,后退三步,慢慢来,后退三步,快点Move three paces back, now!,这次又玩完了,我们又输了The game's over, Harry.,We lost again.,快点,前进!MAN: Quick march!,快一点!,快点!Pick your feet up!,快点!Pick your feet up!,快点!你们这群暴力份子Move it, you Fenian bastard!,门打开OFFICER: Open the gates!,快点!Come on! Move it.,Come on! Come on!,Leave me alone.,让我看看这些暴民是何方神圣Now, show me the ringleaders of this little farce.,皮尔斯…Pearse.,With the gunner eye.,麦克唐纳…McDonagh.,托玛斯.克拉克Thomas Clarke.,柯洛利- Connolly. (SCREAMS),起来,你这个混蛋!起来!Get up, you Fenian swine. Get up!,忍耐,迈克尔,忍下来Wait, Michael. Wait.,忍到什么时候?Till When?,忍到下次行动Till the next time.,快,快走(GROANING) - Turn your eyes! Go on!,伊曼.瓦列拉Eamon de Valera.,下次行动要如何?What happens next time?,我们照我们的游戏规则来玩We won't play by their rules, Harry.,We'll invent our own.,射击!- Fire! (GUNS FIRING),关于我…The fact that I was born in,出生在…关于我…,关于我…The fact that I was born in,美国的事实关于我…,美国的事实,America美国的事实,美国的事实,可能让我免于一死might save my hide.,无论如何…Either way,,我早已将生死…I am ready for what comes.,置之度外我早已将生死…,置之度外,爱尔兰共和国The Irish Republic,将不再只是个梦想is a dream no longer.,射击!- MAN: Fire! (GUNS FIRING),我们将踏着…先人的血迹it is daily sealed,打造自由尊严的国家by the lifeblood,完成先烈们毕生追寻的目标of those who proclaimed it.,- MAN: Fire! (GUNS FIRING),再多的血腥镇压…And every one of us they shoot,,只让…再多的血腥镇压…,只让…,更多爱尔兰同胞觉醒brings more people,加入革命行列to our side.,- MAN: Fire! (GUNS FIRING),他们无法永远禁锢我们EAMON: They cannot imprison us forever.,只要我们And from the day of our release,,一被放出去只要我们,一被放出去,迈克尔…Michael,,迈克尔…Michael,,我们必须牢记we must act,爱尔兰共和国as if the Republic is a fact.,已经建国成功爱尔兰共和国,已经建国成功,我们击败…We defeat the British Empire,英国的不二方法我们击败….
    英国的不二方法,就是…by ignoring it.,就是…by ignoring it.,无视于他们的存在就是…,无视于他们的存在,射击- Fire! (GUNS FIRING),射击- Fire! (GUNS FIRING),(TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING),(ENGINE CHUGGING),一九一八年五月,(MICHAEL CHUCKLES),他们把我们放出来They let us out of jail, so we can do our best to be put inside again, Harry.,让我们继续作乱再关回去他们把我们放出来,他们把我们放出来They let us out of jail, so we can do our best to be put inside again, Harry.,你不觉得这很讽刺吗?Don't you see a certain paradox in that?,Hmm?,吊诡Paradox.,矛盾A contradiction.,无坚不摧的矛攻击最坚固的盾Where an immovable force meets an immovable object kind of thing.,就是这个意思{SNORES) - Hey.,(BRAKES SQUEALING),(CHUCKLES),快看,真是感人的画面Lookit, Harry.,- Isn't that a lovely picture? - What?,(INDISTINCT TALKING),也许我们都该定下来MICHAEL: Maybe we should settle down.,你跟我吗?Aye, just the two of us?,还有他And him.,谁? 来!- Who? - Come on.,Here.,Thank you.,你好吗?All right, Michael, how are you?,那家伙在这儿多久了?So, tell me. How long's your man been there for?,我们一来就看到他了As long as we have.,半个小时有了Half an hour or so.,他们怎么知道我们会来?How do they know we were coming?,连我们早餐吃什么他们都知道They know what we ate for breakfast.,只有一个方法可以打垮他们- There's only one way to beat them, then. - What's that?,什么?Find out what they eat for breakfast.,去弄清楚他们早餐吃什么什么?,去弄清楚他们早餐吃什么,可恶,今天市场赶集Fuck.,- It's market day. (SHEEP BLEATING),你上哪去?- Where are you going? (URGING),请问两位早餐吃了些什么?So, what did you have for breakfast?,前面有羊群挡道Bit of a traffic: jam here, lads.,请你倒车,这样我们也能后退I think if you backed up, then we could back up,,你们跟踪起来会更方便and so you could chase us some more.,再等一下,让羊群通过Sure, if we sit here a minute, it'll sort itself out.,好吧All right, grand so.,(CONTINUES URGING),(WHISTLING),现在诸位投票选出的候选人The fact that the candidate you're being asked to vote for,目前仍在英国监狱服刑is at this moment,,rotting in an English jail shouldn't put you off!,但这阻挡不了我们- Sure was I in one myself till a week ago. (CROWD LAUGHING),一周前,我也在那里面但这阻挡不了我们,一周前,我也在那里面,英国人可以关我们- They can jail us, they can shoot us! (CROWD SHOUTING),可以开枪打我们英国人可以关我们,可以开枪打我们,他们可以强迫我们当兵- They can even conscript us! (PEOPLE PROTESTING),他们可以强迫我们当兵- They can even conscript us! (PEOPLE PROTESTING),把我们送上前线当德军的炮灰They can use us as cannon fodder in the Somme!,但是…But!,But we have a weapon more powerful,我们拥有最强大的武器But we have a weapon more powerful,我们拥有最强大的武器,威力远超过英国的任何火药库than any in the whole arsenal of the British Empire!,威力远超过英国的任何火药库than any in the whole arsenal of the British Empire!,那就是我们的不合作And that weapon is our refusal!,我们拒绝对他们的命令低头Our refusal to bow to any order, but our own!,我们要建立自己的政府Any institution, but our own!,那些在英国单位的走狗们Our friends in the Royal Irish Constabulary would like to shut me up.,要我闭嘴少放厥词- Don't say! - St0p!,他们巴不得再把我抓起来处死Jail me again, shoot me, who knows?,不过我要诸位让他们明白But I'd like you to send them a message!,若他们把我做了If they shut me up, who'll take my place?,谁来替我 我们会!(CROWD SHOUTING),谁来接替我Who's going to take my place?,我们接替你!We Will!,我听不到!谁接替我?I can't hear you!,Who'll take my place?,他们吓得了你们吗?- Will they shut you up? (CLAMORING),(HORSE NEIGHING),(GRUNTS),Clear a path!,让开,快让开Clear a path!,快让他出去!Get him out! Go, get him out!,你叫什么名字So, what's your name?,凯蒂Kitty.,哈利来了吗?Is Harry here, too?,在楼下Downstairs.,他们用什么东西敲你What did they hit you with?,反正是很硬的东西Ah, whatever it was, it was hard.,(wnucnue),没什么大碍- You'll be all right then. - You're a nurse, Kitty?,你是护士吗?I'm nothing.,我什么都不是你是护士吗?,我什么都不是,我是我老爸的女儿I'm my father's daughter.,你老爸是谁?- And who's your father? - He's dead.......

傲气盖天 (Michael Collins)相关字幕
