毒 Poison(2023)中英字幕下载-纯4K

毒 Poison(2023)中英字幕下载

更新日期: 2024年11月21日 下载次数: 138  SRT ASS
电影:毒 (Poison)




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毒 Poison(2023)中英字幕下载预览

 《毒》,我开车到家时已是午夜It was midnight when I drove home.,我开到小屋前 关掉了车大灯As I approached the bungalow,免得光线透过窗户 晃醒哈利·蒲伯so the beam wouldn't swing through the window and wake Harry Pope.,其实用不着 他的灯还亮着呢I needn't have bothered. His light was still on.,我停好车 走上门廊I parked,仔细数着台阶 以免多迈一步counting each step so I wouldn't take an extra step,在楼梯顶部踏空 一、二、三、四which wasn't there,我走去哈利的房间 安静地打开门 往里看去I went to Harry's room,他躺在床上 还醒着 一动不动 连头都没转一下He was lying in bed awake. He didn't move or even turn his head.,但我听见他在低吟 几乎听不清…But I heard him whispering,救命Help.,“救命”?"Help"?,我推开了门 开始走进房间I pushed the door and started across the room.,站住Stop.,“站住”?我几乎听不清"Stop"? I could hardly hear a word.,他似乎全身紧绷 没法出声He seemed to be straining enormously to produce sound.,- 救命 - “救命”?- Help. - "Help"?,你怎么了 哈利?What's the matter,把鞋子脱了Take off shoes.,“把鞋子脱了”?"Take off shoes"?,他让我想起了 腹部中枪的乔治·巴尔灵He reminded me of George Barling after he got shot in the stomach,他倚靠着板条箱when he leaned against a crate,紧紧地抱住自己 念叨着那个日本飞行员gripping himself and muttering about the Japanese pilot,那个紧绷的语气 就跟现在哈利的一模一样in just the same straining half-whisper Harry was using now.,然后毫不意外地 乔治·巴尔灵趴下了Then George Barling bent over,死了and died.,把鞋子脱了Take off shoes.,“把鞋子脱了”?"Take off shoes.",我摸不着头脑 但我没提出异议I couldn't understand,- 怎么了 哈利? - 别碰- What is it,他平躺着 用被单盖住四分之三的身体He was on his back with a sheet covering three-quarters of his body,穿着条纹睡衣 大汗淋漓wearing striped pajamas and sweating terribly.,天气热 我也在出汗 但没哈利这么夸张It was hot. I was sweating,他满脸是汗 枕头都被浸湿了His face was wet and the pillow was soaked.,看着像是得了疟疾It looked like malaria to me.,- 怎么了 哈利? - 金环蛇- What is it,- 什么? - 金环蛇- What? - Krait.,- “金环蛇” - 有蛇- "Krait"? - Snake.,你被金环蛇咬了 多久了?You've been bitten. How long ago?,不是No.,什么?What?,还没咬Didn't bite yet.,我都糊涂了 用奇怪的表情看着哈利That confused me. I gave Harry a funny look.,肚子上有金环蛇 睡着了Krait on stomach. Asleep.,我不由自主地往后跳I jumped backwards. I couldn't help it.,我盯着他肚子上盖着的被单I stared at his stomach,根本看不出来下面有没有东西It was impossible to tell if there was something underneath.,你该不是说现在 有金环蛇在你肚子上睡觉吧?You don't mean there's a krait on your stomach now? Asleep?,是的Yes.,它怎么爬进去的?How'd it get there?,我就不应该问 我就该让他别出声I shouldn't have asked a question. I should've just told him to keep quiet.,我平躺着看书 感觉到胸口有东西 在书后面Lying on back. Reading. Felt something on chest,挠得很痒Tickling.,我眼角看到 一条小金环蛇在睡衣上爬From corner of eye,很小 或许有25厘米Small. Maybe ten inches.,我知道不能动 所以躺着不敢动惮 盯着它看Knew mustn't move. Lay frozen,本以为它会顺着被单上面爬Thought it would go over top of sheet.,哈利安静了一会儿Harry was silent for a moment.,他想确保低声说话 没有惊扰到趴在那里的东西He was making sure his whispering wasn't disturbing the thing laying there.,结果它往被单里爬It went under.,感觉它穿过了睡衣 在肚子上动Felt it through pajamas. Moving on stomach.,然后停住了 现在趴在那里睡着了Then it stopped. Now lying there asleep.,我一直在等I've been waiting.,- 多久了? - 四小时- How long? - For hours.,接连几个小时 该死的几个小时Hours and hours and bloody hours and hours.,没法继续躺着不动了 我想咳Can't keep still much longer. Need to cough.,其实In fact,金环蛇有这样的举动并不奇怪it wasn't a surprising thing for a krait to do.,它们喜欢在人们的屋子周围徘徊 找温暖的地方They linger around people's houses and go for the warm places.,反而奇怪的是 过了这么久 哈利都没被咬The surprising thing was that Harry hadn't been bitten so far.,若不立刻抓住它 被咬伤将会非常致命The bite is ferociously deadly,手边要随时准备好抗蛇毒素with a dose of antivenom immediately at hand.,这纤细的小东西长这样Slim,它可能会悄悄溜进来One might slip,比如说 通过一条门缝 进入小孩的卧室through the just-cracked open door of a small child's bedroom,一位茶园管理人曾告诉我 一只绵羊后腿被咬了The manager of a tea estate once told me about a sheep bitten on the hind leg.,他把尸体剖开时 血就像沥青 像焦油一般黑When he cut open the carcass,我说:“好了 哈利” 现在连我也在耳语了"All right,“别动 如非必要 不要说话Don't move and don't talk unless you have to.,它被惊扰了才会咬人 我们会想办法的”It won't bite unless it's frightened. We'll fix it.,我轻手轻脚地走出房间I went out softly,从厨房拿了一把锋利的小刀and fetched a small sharp knife from the kitchen.,我把它放进口袋备用 以防哈利惊扰了金环蛇而被咬伤I put it in my pocket ready to use in case Harry frightened the krait and got bitten.,要准备好切开哈利的伤口 吸出毒液I was ready to cut Harry and suck out the venom.,我说:“哈利 我觉得最好是"Harry,让我轻轻拉下被单看看”is for me to draw back the sheet very gently and have a look.",你个白痴You idiot.,他的声音非常苍白 因为他说话太慢、太轻柔There was no expression in his voice. He spoke too slowly and softly for that.,神情要靠眼睛和嘴角来传达The expression was in the eyes and corners of the mouth.,光线会惊吓到蛇 它会咬死我的Light will startle. Snake will kill me.,有道理Good point.,要是我快速盖回被单 不去管…How about I whip back the sheet and brush it off the instant--,叫医生Get doctor.,他看着我 好像我早该自己想到似的He looked at me as if I should have thought of that myself.,医生 可不是嘛 没错 我去叫甘德拜医生A doctor. Of course. That's it. I'll get Dr. Ganderbai.,我踮着脚尖走出去 查找甘德拜医生的号码I tiptoed out,拿起电话 然后叫接线员动作快lifted the phone and told the operator to hurry..
    - 我是伍兹监管员 - 你好 伍兹先生 还没睡吗?- This is Supervisor Woods. - Hello,请马上拿血清来 是金环蛇Come at once and bring serum. For a krait.,血清?谁被咬了呀?Serum? Who's been bitten?,这问题像小型爆炸 如雷贯耳The question came like a small explosion in my ear.,暂时没人被咬No one. No one,在被单下面 有一条睡着的蛇趴在哈利的肚子上Harry's got one sleeping on his stomach under the sheet.,电话对面大约安静了三秒钟For about three seconds there was silence on the line.,然后他慢慢说 这次不再像爆炸了 准确地讲 甘德拜医生说…Speaking slowly,他不能动 不能说话 你明白了吗?He's not to move or talk. Do you understand?,- 当然明白 医生 - 我现在就来- Of course,他挂断电话 然后我回到卧室He rang off,哈利看着我走向床边Harry's eyes walked me to his bed.,甘德拜医生马上来 他说躺着别动Dr. Ganderbai's coming. He said to lie still.,不然他以为我在干吗?- What does he think I've been doing?,别说话 谁都别说了No talking. Either of us.,那就闭嘴Shut up,他嘴巴一侧的肌肉 原本是用来展现笑容的The muscles on one side of his mouth,却开始抽搐 微微地颤动started twitching,他说完话后 颤动持续了一会that continued for a while after he finished speaking.,我不喜欢他这样 也不喜欢他说话的语气I didn't like that,甘德拜医生的车疾速驶到前院Dr. Ganderbai's car sped up to the front.,我出去跟他碰面I went out to meet him.,- 他人在哪里? - 甘德拜医生没停下来等我回答- Where is he? - Dr. Ganderbai didn't stop for my answer.,他径直走过我身边 进入客厅 把手包放在椅子上He walked on past me into the hall. He put his bag down on a chair.,他穿着软底卧室拖鞋He was wearing soft-soled bedroom slippers.,他毫无声响地走进去 像只小心翼翼的猫He walked across the floor noiselessly,哈利用眼角警惕着周边情况Harry watched out the sides of his eyes.,走到床边 医生看着哈利笑了笑Upon reaching the bed,神情让人安心 他点着头 仿佛在说…reassuring,别担心 没什么大不了的 交给甘德拜医生吧Don't worry. This is a simple matter. Leave it to Dr. Ganderbai.,他走去厨房 我跟了过去He went into the kitchen,他打开手包He opened his bag.,首先尝试帮他注射血清 但必须干净利落 他不能畏缩First is to try to get serum into him,他拿着注射器和一小瓶注射液He held a hypodermic and a small bottle.,他把针头伸进去 抽入淡黄色液体He stuck in the needle and drew up a pale yellow liquid.,- 他递了给我 - 拿好 待会我说要的时候给我- He handed it to me. - Hold that till I ask for it.,我们返回卧室We returned to the room.,哈利的眼睛炯炯有神 瞪得很圆Harry's eyes were bright and open.,甘德拜医生慢慢卷起哈利的衣袖Dr. Ganderbai cautiously rolled up Harry's sleeve,挽到手肘处 但没动他的手臂to the elbow without moving the arm.,他尽量站得离床远一些 小声说…He stood well away from the bed. He whispered…,我要给你注射 只扎一下 不要动I'm going to give you an injection. Just a prick. Don't move.,不要收紧腹部肌肉 要让肌肉放松Don't tighten your stomach muscles. Let them go limp.,哈利看着注射器 微笑肌又开始抽搐了Harry looked at the syringe. His smiling muscle began to twitch again.,甘德拜医生拿了橡胶管 紧紧绑在哈利的二头肌上Dr. Ganderbai took rubber tubing and tied it tight around Harry's bicep.,他用酒精棉擦拭了前臂的小片区域He sponged a small area of the forearm with alcohol.,他拿起注射器 眯眼看着刻度He held up the syringe,按压出了一些液体squirting out some fluid.,哈利满脸是汗Harry was sweating all over his face,面部发光 像面霜化在了皮肤上so it shone like face cream melting on his skin,落在枕头上running down the pillow.,我看到他前臂的蓝色血管 在止血带下面鼓了起来I could see the blue vein on his forearm,针头在血管上 甘德拜平拿着针筒 与手臂相对Needle above the vein,斜着把针头滑入血管中sliding the needle sideways into the vein,动作缓慢而坚定 进针时宛如在戳芝士slowly and firmly so it went in smooth as into cheese.,哈利合上眼睛 随后又睁开 但是他没动Harry closed his eyes and opened them again but didn't move.,甘德拜身子往前探 嘴巴靠近哈利的耳边Ganderbai leaned forward,现在你就算被咬了也没事 但是别动 我很快就回来Now you'll be all right even if it bites,- 我问:“他安全了吗?” - 能不能救他还不好说- "Is he safe now?" I asked. - It might or might not save him.,甘德拜擦了擦前额 站着轻咬嘴唇Ganderbai wiped his forehead and stood nibbling his lip.,应该有办法的There is a way to do this. There is a way to do this.,他说得很慢 试图一边说 一边思考He was speaking slowly and trying to think while he talked.,我们要把麻醉剂注射进We're going to administer an anesthetic,那条趴着的蛇体内to the creature where it lies.,真是个绝妙的主意It was a splendid suggestion.,这不安全 蛇是冷血动物It's not safe. A snake is cold-blooded.,麻醉剂对冷血动物见效不快Anesthetic doesn't work well with cold-blooded animals.,但我没别的办法了 乙醚或者氯仿?But I don't have any other ideas. Ether or chloroform?,我点了点头I nodded.,- 用哪个? - 他在问我吗?我不知道啊- Which one? - Was he asking me? I don't know.,氯仿!Chloroform!,他拉着我的手臂 走去客厅He pulled me to the hall.,开车去我家Drive to my house.,家童会等着你The boy will be waiting for you.,这把钥匙能打开毒药橱柜Here's the key to my poisons cupboard.,把氯仿拿来 上面有橙色标签Take chloroform. It has an orange label.,上面印着药名 我留在这里 以防出现意外情况The name is printed on it. I'll stay in case anything happens.,快去!Be quick!,- 我的鞋… - 你用不着穿鞋- My shoes… - You don't need shoes.,我开得很快 15分钟就带着药瓶回来了I drove fast,他知道我们要怎么做 但是他很慌张 这也是合情合理的He knows what we're going to do,我不知道他还能坚持多久I'm not sure how much longer he can last.,哈利躺在床上 保持跟之前一样的姿势Harry was lying in the same position as before.,他面部惨白 全是汗 他把目光转向我His face was white and wet. He turned his eyes towards me.,我对他微笑着点头I smiled at him and nodded.,医生拿起之前用来止血的管子The doctor picked up the tube he'd used as a tourniquet,现在它的一端被安上了纸漏斗now with a paper funnel fitted into one end.,他把掖在床垫下的一些被单拉出来He untucked a section of sheet from under the mattress,把橡胶管插了进去took the rubber tube,让它滑入被单 靠近哈利的身体and slid it under the sheet towards Harry's body.,不确定花了多久才把管子滑了进去Not sure how long it took to slide that tube in.,可能过了20或40分钟 我感觉管子没动It may have been 20 minutes,但是看得见的部分慢慢变短了but the visible part of it grew gradually shorter.,现在甘德拜医生也出汗了Dr. Ganderbai himself was sweating now,豆大的汗珠凝聚在他的额头和嘴唇上large pearls on his forehead and upper lip,但是他的手很平稳but his hands were steady,他的眼睛盯着哈利肚子上的被单and his eyes were glued to the sheet above Harry's stomach.,他伸出手想拿氯仿He held out his hand for the chloroform.,我扭出塞子 把瓶子放在他的手上I twisted out the stopper and put the bottle into his hand,我确保他拿稳了之后才松手not letting go until I was sure he had a good hold.,蒲伯先生 我现在要把床垫浸湿 你身体下面会觉得冷Mr. Pope,- 要做好准备 不要动 - 赶紧的吧!- Be ready for it and don't move. - Get on with it!......