怒劫运钞车 Armor(2024)英文字幕下载-纯4K

怒劫运钞车 Armor(2024)英文字幕下载

更新日期: 2024年11月30日 下载次数: 119  SRT ASS
电影:怒劫运钞车 (Armor)




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怒劫运钞车 Armor(2024)英文字幕下载预览

 * Heist *,Dude, crazystory this morning.,- Gotta hear it.- All right.,* Heist *,Heist in the news.,This one comes in from Dino.,Shout out to Dino.,Dino's my man.,Headline reads-,"armored truck kills money,on Texas freeway, sparkingcash grab frenzy.",Feels awesome.,Here we go.,"An armored truck dropped loads,of cash onto the DallasThornton Freeway,,causing a major traffic jam .,Motorists hopped out of theirautos, scooping up the bills.,Authorities say driversneed to return the money,or face possiblecriminal charges.",I saw this on Tic-Tac.,People running aroundthe freeway yanking cash.,Awesome, Imean, I know I'd do it.,And filming themselves.,Smart.,According tothe National Weather Service...,... of revisedriver forecast,for lower Tallapoosaand Alabama Rivers.,Hey there, I'mmeteorologist Dick Duchie,here with a look at yourFirst Alert Forecast.,Get ready for a-,I feel like I failed my wife.,I feel like I failed my kids.,I kept telling myself thatI didn't have a problem,,but when I woke upin my daughter's room,with holes punched in her walls,,that's when I finallyrealized how deep I was.,It didn't matter though.,My wife already packed the cartwo hours before I woke up.,I don't even know wherethey are anymore.,Thanks for sharing.,I mean, that's what thebottle does to us, right?,It makes you a liar.,You become your worst self andworst version of ourselves.,That's the hardestpart, I think,,admitting what you've become.,I know it took me a long,long time to admit that.,I know that if it wasn't forthis group and, and my, my son,,I'd be at the bottomof a glass somewhere.,That's, that's withoutquestion, so...,Hey, um...,Sorry for losing it back there.,Not a good first impression.,Please.,My first meeting I was rocking,in a fetal position for hours.,It gets better.,That's me.,Keep coming back.,Okay.,Come on.,Settle down.,Just making sure you heard me.,You know how oldpeople's hearing is, huh?,Well I'll tell you what,maybe if you keep smarting off,,the horn won't be theonly thing screaming.,Okay, settle down or you'renot getting your lunch.,Go, go, go.,Let's go.,So, uh, what's onSarah's menu today?,Peanut butter and pickles.,Ooh.,How much longer you gonnabe able to stay on this diet?,Honestly, it's notas bad as you think.,Yeah, it is.,Look, you can judgeme all you want,,but all the books say thatthe more we do together,,the more it's likewe're both pregnant.,- Ha!- Which, it's,it's a good thing, I think.,Speaking of which, actually,,Sarah said she didn't getyour RSVP for the baby shower.,Sent them out a week ago.,I, I told her theyprobably got lost in the mail.,So, did it get lost in the mail?,I don't know.,Dad, is everything okay?,Yeah.,No, I, I know, I know.,I was thinking abouther last night too.,Sarah would go over baby names,and this one's gonna be a boy,,but she really wants thenext one to be a girl.,So you throw outthe name Trisha,,that's a possibilitydown the line.,And I dunno, I wasn'tsure how you'd take that.,Good name.,Yeah.,Well, hey, six yearssober today, big guy. Huh?.
    Come on.,She'd be proud of you, Dad.,59326.,Yep.,57291.,You do know how longyour route is today, right?,You guys are doing the dead 10,and you're alreadylate. As always.,Tell me, you really need toreview all this stuff again?,It's protocol, Frank.,Protocol is to getthis shit back in the truck,so I can get back tomy clients, James.,In a better mood than usual.,20248.,49826.,Got it.,- Pull that.- Yeah.,Fucking hot box in here.,Shit.,It's not even noonand it's this hot.,This thing work?,Oh my god.,The hell's that guy hauling?,It's not our business.,All right.,I got it, I got it.,You okay?,Oh fuck.,- You all right?- No, no, no, no, no, no.,I dropped a fucking pen.,- Fuck.- What do you mean a pen?,A pen light.,Sarah gave me this light withmy name on it specifically,'cause I'm always losingshit in this fucking truck.,Let's go.,Come on.,Fuck it.,Fuck it, let's go.,Okay, it's fine.,Look, I don't knowwhat's in there,,but if we break it, we buy it.,- I got it.- You understand that?,Yeah, I got it.,Look, can you just don'ttell Sarah about this, okay,'cause then she's gonnastart worrying about,me losing my gun next,and it's gonna turninto a whole thing.,What, what is thereal issue here?,There's no issue, I justdon't want her to stress,until the baby comes.,About a pen?,Yeah, it's gonnastress her out.,Little words of wisdom.,Your stress starts whenthat baby pops its head out.,- You got that?- Dad, please.,Fine.,I will not tell Sarahthat you lost a pen light,with your little initials on it.,Yeah.,Nothing more stress freethan driving a cash truck,10 miles tobumfuck nowhere.,Beautiful, beautifulbumfuck nowhere.,Dad? You all right?,Yeah.,Fucking truck's falling apart.,It's got a littlebit of character to it.,Hey.,Am I gonna haveto twist your arm,or are you gonna finallycome over for dinner tonight?,I, uh, I have to host ameeting tonight, I'm sorry.,You know you have an actualfamily outside that circle?,Yeah, but not onethat's gonna drive a truck,through the living room.,Not yet anyways.,All right, look, theoffer still stands. Okay?,Just come over whenever.,Just thought it'd bea good idea for you to,get away from yourvices for a bit.,Case.,You want me to bring a pie or...,- Careful with the C4?- Man, I, I know,- it's unstable as fuck, man.- Well, everything's unstable.,Speak for yourself.,Yeah, you're late.,No, we're ready. Areyou fucking ready?,Right.,Let's do it.,Hey, except that it's thetruth.,No, it's not. No it's not.,Uh, it's the truth.,First day, littleCase on the job,,a little baby inhis Kevlar vest.,Got his baby, new little id,,it's right off thepress still hot,,carrying his first bag of money.,Big bag of money.,He's so nervous, he's, Iwould say raining sweat.,- He's exaggerating.- You left a trail,on the sidewalk, there'sno question about this.,Anyway, back to the truth.,All jittery, like, somebodycomes up beside him,and taps him on the shoulderjust to ask the time.......

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