星际迷航:31区 Star Trek: Section 31(2025)中英字幕下载
更新日期: 2025年01月28日 下载次数: 113 SRT ASS 星际迷航:31区 Star Trek: Section 31(2025)中英字幕下载预览
命运如铸剑之人 提前锻造万物-埃斯库罗斯,人类帝国,她回来了 她终于回到家了She's back! She's home!,菲利帕回家了Philippa came home!,两年过去了Two years,,一切都和记忆中一模一样and everything looks exactly as I remember.,我以为再也见不到这里了I never thought I would see this place again.,这一次我们有18个人There were 18 of us this time.,从帝国各个角落被选中Culled from every corner of the Empire,带到地球参加比试and brought to Terra for the contest.,他们说只有一个人能活到最后We were told that only one of us would survive,熬过这些年the years to come.,一个孩子…One child.,…最纯粹的帝国血脉...the purest expression of the Terran identity.,他们让我们自相残杀They pitted us against each other.,一个月又一个月 我们的人数不断减少And month by month, our numbers dwindled.,你...你赢了吗Did...did you win?,结束了吗ls it over?,还剩下两个人Two of us still live.,桑和我San and me.,我和桑Me and San.,我们是二人We are two...,…却如一人...but one.,永远如此Forever.,比试期间”朋友”这个词是被禁止的The word "friend" was forbidden during the contest,,但无人时我们会悄悄对彼此说出这个词but we whispered it to each other when no one could hear.,桑和我联手对抗San and I combined our skills,总督和其他参赛者against the proctor and the other contestants.,但只能有一个人成为皇帝But only one of you could be emperor.,还剩最后一个任务One task remains.,谁先完成谁就能统治帝国The first to complete it rules the Empire,,另一个人余生都将and the other spends the rest of their life,侍奉新皇帝in servitude to the new emperor.,你们要做什么What do you have to do?,对不起I'm sorry.,你做了什么What did you do? !,不允许与过去有任何牵绊No ties to the old life are permitted.,皇帝只能忠于职责An emperor can only be loyal to duty.,帝国因此而强大"Thus does the Empire remain strong.,帝国因此而强盛”Thus does it grow. ",-妈妈 -菲利帕Mom. Philippa.,你成功了 而你的对手失败了You succeeded where your competitor could not.,把他带上来Bring him here.,桑没有力量通过最后的考验San did not have the strength to pass the final test.,此刻他的村庄正在燃烧 昭示着他的懦弱Even now, his village burns as a testament to his cowardice.,我爱你I love you.,你赢了这场较量You have won the contest.,来领取你的胜利吧Claim your victory.,桑 上前来San, step forward.,你如今只为臣服于她而活You live now only to serve at her heel.,跪拜吧 向掌控你生命的人Kneel before the one who owns your life.,我们本为二者…We are two...,却合为一体But one.,但这一切已经结束了Not anymore.,向乔治欧陛下致敬AII hail Philippa Georgiou!,向帝王致敬AlI hail the emperor!,致敬 致敬 致敬Hail! Hail! Hail!,致敬Hail!,这里是指挥部This is Control,向阿尔法小队队长发送优先级消息with a priority message for Alpha Team Leader.,你的目标是菲利帕 乔治欧Your subject is Emperor Philippa Georgiou,,特伦帝国的前任统治者former ruler of the Terran Empire.,她来自一个平行宇宙lt's in a parallel universe,那里的罪犯数量之多with the most criminal population,史无前例in recorded history.,即便在那里 乔治欧的暴行也是最令人发指的Even there, Georgiou had the market cornered on atrocities.,2257年 她被带到我们的宇宙ln 2257, she was brought to our universe,加入了31区and joined Section 31,,但几年后我们失去了联系but after a few years, we lost contact.,最近 乔治欧用假身份出现Recently, Georgiou was spotted using an alias,在联邦空间外的边境地带in the border territory outside Federation space,,我们正在那里追踪黑市上的一个新威胁where we're tracking a new threat on the black market.,这就是你们小队的任务This is where your team comes in.,联邦条约禁止我们越过那条边境线Federation treaty forbids us from crossing over that border,,这意味着星际舰队不能直接插手which means Starfleet cannot get its hands dirty.,你和你的31区小队将潜入 与乔治欧取得联系You and your 31 team will go in, make contact with Georgiou,帮助识别并消除这个威胁to help identify and neutralize the threat.,但要记住…But make no mistqke...,这条恶犬会咬人 小心你们的后背this dog bites, so watch your backs.,你们有24小时完成任务You have 24 hours to complete the mission.,开始行动吧Get to work.,星际述肌: 31区,星历1292. 4,杜弗朗克夫人Madame du Franc?,蜜月套房发生了点小意外Small incident in the honeymoon suite.,恐怕那位新娘在关键时刻I'm afraid the bride molted,蜕皮了just as things were coming to a climax.,维吉尔 说重点Virgil, get to the point. -,我已派生化危机小组前去 并转达了您的慰问I sent a biohazard team and your condolences.,另外 有位客人希望能与您谈谈Also, there's a customer hoping for a word with you.,他看起来很清醒 但却令人着迷He seems entirely sober but quite intoxicating.,杜弗朗克夫人愿意见您Mqdame Veronique du Franc will see you.,阿洛克 萨哈尔 见过杜弗朗克夫人Alok Sahar, Madame Veronique du Franc.,杜弗朗克夫人通常需要预约才见客Madame du Franc normally does business by appointment.,我想预约I'd like to make an oppointment.,哦 这位先生想预约呢Oh, the gentleman would like to make an appointment.,现在 现在 夫人Now. Now, madam.,不可能 不可能Impossible.Impossible..
再见 维吉尔Au revoir, Virgil.,这是违法的That is illegal.,而这能赚钱And that makes money.,这是家正经场所This is a reputable establishment.,我听说不是Not what I heard.,不如去你办公室谈谈 嗯?- Why don't we discuss it in your office? - umm.,我为什么要带你去我的办公室 阿洛克 萨哈尔?Why would I take you to my office, Alok Sahar?,因为这需要亲身体验Because it's a hands- on experience.,甜蓟花Dulcet thistle.,甜蓟花已经灭绝了Dulcet thistle's extinct.,我有十二公斤这玩意I've got a dozen keys of this stuff.,要来点吗?Have you partaken?,这会是我少有的第一次体验之一This would be one of my few first times.,劲很大Packs a punch.,让人愉悦的那种- Ahappy punch. Mmm.,干杯Bottoms up.,为金钱 为你- To money. To you.,现在 别装了Now, let's cut the shit.,31区来我的空间站做什么?What is Section 31 doing in my space station?,嗯?以为我认不出特工吗?umm? You think I don't know an agent when I see one?,你带着六名特工You're heading up a team of six operatives,,他们都在酒吧里and they're dll over the bar.,那边那个变形者There's the Chameloid,,绿血的变种人a green- blooded shape- shifter,,正试图勾引一个德尔塔人trying to muster sexy time with a Deltan,,一个活生生的诱饵a walking honey trap,31区显然在用她转移注意力31's obviously using as a distraction.,但变形者是银河系唯一Except Chameloids are the only species in the galaxy,对德尔塔人魅力免疫的种族immune to Deltan sexy time charm.,还有那边那个全身高科技装备的家伙Then there's the guy with all the high- end mech,,站在后面一副若有所思的样子standing in the back, looking like he has thoughts.,机械生命不只是靠蛮力Mech life, it ain't just about the brute force.,我猜 武器很重 智商很轻I'mgonna say heavy on artillery, low on IQ.,真遗憾I'm so sorry.,别忘了那个瓦肯人And we can't forget the Vulcan,,笑得比台上的笑话还夸张laughing way too hard at the stage banter.,瓦肯人从不笑所以他要么也是个蠢货And since Vulcans never laugh, he's either an idiot, too,,要么是庞法导致精神失常or lost his mind during pon farr and went insane.,得了吧 这很好笑Oh, come on. That was funny.,还有你安排的那个一本正经的人类…And the very serious human you stuck him with.,收敛点吧Reel it in anytime.,她屁股里的棍子插得太深了...she's got a stick so far up her backside,,都从嘴里冒出来了it's coming out her mouth.,收敛点Just reel it in.,那是That would be,加勒特中尉Lieutenant Garrett.,星际舰队Starfleet.,欢乐的终结者Where fun goes to die.,你们找到我花了够久的It took you long enough to find me.,我们知道你在巴拉姆We knew that having you here on the Baraam,总有一天会对我们有用would be valuable to us one day.,我现在可没什么动力Well, I'm not feeling motivated to be valuable,为别人效力to anyone but myself.,那么 我们是不是该开始谈条件了?So, is this where we start negotiating?,嗯 那要看情况umm, that depends.,你知道我多久了How long have you known about me?,从你接手前任店主开始Ever since you took over from the previous owner,,那人至今下落不明who we still haven't found.,听着Well, all of.,-不是我干的 -皇帝That wasn't me. Emperor Georgiou,,我被授权逮捕你I am authorized to arrest you,并抹除你的记忆and wipe your mind clean. -,但我内心有个声音But then again, there's a part of me,想让你继续带着这些记忆活着that wants you to live with your memories.,那些大屠杀的记忆The genocidal ones.,你有权逮捕我Being authorized to arrest me,不代表你有能力逮捕我isn't the same as being able to arrest me.,你真想让31区 让我You really want Section 31 want me- -,一直追着你不放吗dogging you until the end of time?,真无聊Boring.,过去总会追上你The past always catches up with you.,不管你我是否承认And as much as both of us,我这是在帮你might hate it, I'm doing you a favor.,最后一个任务One lqst mission.,听着Listen.,你相信命运吗Do you believe in fate?,我相信Becouse I do.,你逃不过命运You can't hide from it.,你在这里什么都不是 乔治欧You're nothing here, Georgiou.,我给你机会重返战场I'm giving you a chance to get back in.,参与银河系级别的行动In on the action on a galactic scale.,别再逃避了Stop running from it.,做回真正的自己Be who you are.,或者继续在这当一辈子酒保Or stay and tend bar for eternity.,开始吧Let's get on with it.,菲利帕 乔治欧 来见见我的团队Philippa Georgiou, meet my team.,这是梅勒This is Melle.,泽夫Zeph.,你像个瑞士军刀You look like a Swiss Army knife.,等等Uh, hold on.,我不知道那是什么 但我不会I don't know what that means, but I'm not gonna,站在这被侮辱just stand here and get insulted.,我说的不是你I'm not talking about you.,说的是你的战甲I'm talking about your suit.,你是新来的Um, you're new,,我就说这一次so I'm gonna just explain this one time,当你说起战甲的时候that when you are talking about the suit,,就是在说泽夫本人you're talking about Zeph.,-噢 -泽夫患有- Oh. Zeph suffers from,所谓的机甲畸形症what we call mecha dysmorphia.,虽然我不知道那是什么And I may not know what that is,,但我也不会接受but I'm also not gonna take that......
星际迷航:31区 (Star Trek: Section 31)相关字幕