都是陌生人 All of Us Strangers(2023)中英字幕下载
更新日期: 2025年02月02日 下载次数: 100 SRT ASS 都是陌生人 All of Us Strangers(2023)中英字幕下载预览
与此同时 搬到科斯塔的英国人仍在继续工作Meanwhile,在阳光下经营酒吧是典型的英国梦Running a bar in the sun is the classic British dream.,不过它容易变成一场噩梦It can easily turn into a nightmare,然而麦克斯菲德的加里和切丽做到了 他们的竹制酒吧很成功but Gary and Cherry from Macclesfield have made it work. The bamboo bar is a success.,(大楼内火警警报声)but Gary and Cherry from Macclesfield have made it work. The bamboo bar is a success.,「电视上播放的音乐:The Power Of Love - Frankie Goes to Hollywood」,-你好 -你好-Hello. -Hello.,我瞥见你在街上看我I saw you looking at me from the street.,我见过你很多次 低着头进进出出I've seen you a bunch of times coming along with your head down.,那个警报 总有一天会变成真的One day it'll be for real,我们是这儿唯二的活人 不敢相信We're basically the only ones here. Can you fucking,这楼连保安都没有believe that? I mean,我是哈里I'm Harry.,亚当Adam.,嘿Hey.,你怎么对付的?How do you cope?,-对付…什么? -仔细听- With... what? - Listen.,太寂静了 外面就是伦敦 我们却什么都听不见It's so quiet. I mean,我会放音乐 但放完后却更显空虚 我甚至还买了一个..I play music but it's worse when it ends. And I even bought one of those,白噪音机 但它就像是uh,房间的角落里有人在低声议论我there's someone in the corner of the room whispering about me.,我们连开窗都不行 And we can't even open the windows,我想是因为but I guess,他们怕我们跳下去they don't really want us to jump.,这样房子会掉价It's hard for business,尸块碎裂在混凝土上Bodies broken on the concrete.,到时候谁还敢搬进来I mean,喝吗?Drink?,日本威士忌It's Japanese.,大家说它是世上最好的 我也不懂为什么It's meant to be the best in the world,-不用 谢谢 -好吧 额..-No,好吧,我可以进来吗?Okay,如果不想喝一杯的话..If not for a drink,你想做别的也可以for whatever else you might want.,我觉得这样不太好I don't think that's a good idea.,我吓到你了吗?Do I scare you?,不是No.,如果我不是你的菜 你不用做什么Well,有吸血鬼在我门口There's vampires at my door.,(外景:郊区房子,1987年)There's vampires at my door.,(汽车急刹声)There's vampires at my door.,嗨Hi.,嗨Hi.,我觉得这样的夜晚,来点烈酒应该不错I thought something strong might be good for a night like this.,不用 谢谢No,我们可以回了吗?Shall we go?,回哪?Go where?,她看到你一定会高兴得跳起来She's gonna be over the moon to see you.,猜猜我在公园游荡时发现了谁?Guess who I found loitering in the park?,是他吗?Is it him?,肯定是他Oh,看他的眼睛Look at his eyes.,没错 就是你Yes,嗨Hi.,嗨Hi.,别傻站在那Don't just stand there.,快进来Get yourself inside.,那你现在住哪里?So where are you living now?,肯定不是在这附近Not round here I'm sure.,我住在伦敦I'm in London.,哦 那还挺好Oh,-位置在哪儿 -你一个人住吗?-Whereabouts? -Do you live by yourself?,你有自己的房子吗?Do you own your own place?,呃 对 是一间公寓Uh,我就知道What did I tell you?,我是怎么跟你说的来着What did I tell you?,我告诉过你他会过得很好 不是吗?I told you he'd be doing well for himself,生活在烟雾缭绕的市区开销可不小Can't be cheap living up there in the smoke.,你靠什么谋生?And what is it that you do?,我是个作家I'm a writer.,你瞧我是怎么说的来着And what did I tell you?,但我不是什么大作家 不算特别富有No,我一直知道你富于创造No,你是哪种作家?What kind of writer are you?,你知道我有多爱斯蒂芬·金You know how I love Stephen King,魔女卡丽、厄兆、四季奇谭Carrie,严格来说我不能算作家No,我给电影写剧本I write scripts for film,必要时也给电视剧写TV when I have to.,剧作家A writer.,天哪 这太令人兴奋了God,如果我认识邻居 我会跑过去 现在就告诉他们If I knew the neighbours,我总是说 作家对现实世界的了解比任何人都要少I've always said that writers know less about the real world than almost anyone else.,你又懂什么?What the hell would you know?,你连单词都写不全You could barely write joined up.,说得没错It's true.,剧作家A writer.,我们的儿子Our son.,看你过得很好 我们真高兴We're very bloody pleased to see you doing so well.,来Here.,不多废话了Enough of that poofy stuff.,我们的儿子回家了Our boy's back home.,你要播哪张?What are you putting on?,待会就知道Oh,你还记得你开的红色小车吗?Oh,你超爱它 闹着要把它..You loved it and you wanted to take it,开到马路上 和那些大车一起开out onto the main road and drive it with all the big cars.,这也是我最早的记忆It's my first memory.
撞到他的是一辆福特千里马 对吗? 不 不对It was a Ford Granada that hit him,是一辆绿色赛车It was racing green.,你还记得吗?Do you remember that?,它把你像玩偶一样甩出去It flung you like a rag doll.,你飞得那么高 我至今难忘You went so high up in there,不过你没事Oh,你当时没事 只有几处瘀伤You were fine. You had a couple of bruises.,我带你去医院的时候 他们还以为我在夸张I think they thought I was exaggerating when I took you in.,还记得你弄丢他的那个篝火夜吗?What about that one bonfire night when you lost it?,还记得吗?Remember that bonfire night?,你当时多大,六岁?How old were you? Six?,不是 他那时比六岁大No,烟花炸开后When the fireworks went off,可怜的孩子 就开始尖叫嚎叫Poor boy,我不得不一路背着你回家I had to carry him all the way home.,-是吗 -没错-You did? -Yeah.,还在我肩上睡着了Fell asleep on my shoulder.,我不记得了I don't remember that.,你那时真是吓呆了You were really beside yourself.,那段时间可真难挨You were really having a hard time.,我们当时只是想让你享受焰火表演And I was trying,你一直都是个敏感的男孩You've always been a sensitive boy.,你现在还害怕烟花吗?Are you still afraid of fireworks now?,当然不会No.,你知道你怎么说他的吗?Do you know what you said about him?,你说他跟我妈一样He said,没错He does.,是吧 他确实说过类似的话Doesn't he? He did say something,没错 是当他..时说的Yeah,我忘了I don't know.,再说一遍Say it again.,能再见到你真是太好了It's been so bloody lovely to see you again.,我们都不确定是否会再相见 但现在你就在面前We weren't sure we ever would but here you are.,我在呢Here I am.,记得再来 好吗Come back soon,家里总会有人的One of us will be in.,拜托Please.,好的 我会的Yeah,好Good,怎么了吗What's going on?,晚安 甜心Good night,晚安 儿子 再见Good night,-嗨喽 -嗨-Hello. - Hi.,那天晚上的事我很抱歉I'm really sorry about the other night.,哦 没关系Oh,不必放在心上Don't worry about it.,-再见 -再见-See ya. -See ya.,其实我喜欢威士忌I actually do like whiskey.,你想过来喝一杯吗 还是...Do you wanna have a drink,-嗨喽 -嗨-Hello. - Hi.,嗨?Hi?,要进来吗?Do you want to come in?,当然Sure.,-想喝点什么吗? -嗯-Do you want a drink? -Yeah.,你这儿有什么What have you got?,有伏特加和一些啤酒I've got vodka and some beer.,还有大麻 如果你想抽的话some weed,大麻更好 我戒酒了Yeah. Weed's better. I'm off alcohol.,你喜欢住在这吗Do you like living here?,我想我更喜欢有人入住的时候吧I think I like it more when people move in.,如果有人会入住的话If people move in.,你在附近有朋友吗You got friends nearby?,没有No.,没什么朋友Not really.,-你呢? -我也一样-Do you? -No,我大多数朋友都搬离了伦敦Most of my friends have moved out of London.,他们想给自己孩子弄个花园They want to have gardens for their kids.,或者离祖父母近点 这样可以有人帮忙照顾孩子They want to be near their grandparents so they can look after their kids.,我猜你不想和他们一样搬走?I'm guessing you didn't want to move too?,呃 不想搬Uh,我去多尔金能做什么What am I going to do in Dorking?,那里不适合我这种人It's not for people like me.,我只是想问问你是不是酷儿 是吧?I'm just checking you are queer,是的Yeah.,那就好That's good.,或者说同性恋Or gay.,我不习惯叫自己酷儿Queer,"酷儿"一直以来都是贬称Queer was always such an insult.,或许正因为此我们才这么厌恶'同性恋'吧That's probably why we hate 'gay' so much now.,听起来总像是..I mean,你的发型好gayYour haircut's gay.,沙发好gayThe sofa's gay.,你的运动鞋好gayYour trainers are gay.,你的书包好gayYour school bag's gay.,酷儿听起来确实有礼貌一些Queer does feel polite somehow,就像是.. 恩..You know,说不清楚I don't know.,像是嘴里所有的鸡巴都拔出来了It's like all the dick-sucking's been taken out.,我猜你是一个人I'm assuming you're not with anyone.,从没见过你和别人在一起Never see you with anyone.,的确No.,的确No.,你经常一个人吗?You often single?,我经常一个人?Am I often single?,应该是吧I suppose so,- 你呢? - 我也是- Are you? - Yeah. Yeah.,但不是因为不想尝试But not for want of trying.,我可以吻你吗?How about I kiss you?,好啊All right.,抱歉Sorry.,没事吧?You all right?,没事 只是我好久没做了No......